Upcoming Races/events
Every Woman Marathon
Savannah, GA
November 16th, 2024
California International Marathon (CIM)
Sacramento, CA
December 8, 2024
The Speed Project
Solo Mission
Donate to my solo mission via Venmo or GoFundMe!
Support my solo mission by purchasing off of my Amazon Wish List
Follow my journey on Instagram!

Come to Jamaica with me!!
If you’re interested in:
- Running an international race
- Enjoying an all inclusive taper week perfectly planned out for you
- Connecting with other women in the running community
- Learning from industry professionals
- Venturing out on exciting excursions
….sign up for my running retreat! This retreat will take place in Negril, Jamaica; December 2025, and you’ll get a chance to run in the @reggaemarathon
More details are on my website (link in bio), but feel free to DM me if you have questions!
#running #runningcommunity #instarunners #blackgirlsrun #womenrunners #internationalretreat #jamaica #negril #reggaemarathon #womensretreat #wellness #travel #blackgirlstravel #adventure #jamaicanexcursions #blackgirlwellness

I’ve teamed up with @taharkabros to fundraise for my TSP Solo journey- you get a case of 8 pints of the best ice cream in Baltimore, and I get a portion of the profit to cover costs for The Speed Project- it’s a win-win!!!
Place your order for a case of @taharkabros ice cream using the #linkinbio and don’t forget the code: BIGASH
Pick up will take place Monday, December 2, at 7:30, right after #NMAM with @atribecalledrun ! Can’t make it? DM me so I can hang on to your ice cream for you!
Can’t finish 8 pints on your own? I can’t relate, but you can always split your box with friends, and they make great gifts (white elephant is around the corner!)
Need flavor recommendations? Honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of them, but I would fill my box with:
1. Honey Graham
2. Keep Ya Head Up
3. Honey Graham
4. Pumpkin Cheesecake
5. Honey Graham
6. Cookies & Chocolate
7. Honey Graham
8. Salted Honey Graham
#icecream #taharkabrothers #fundraiser #thespeedproject #runner #atribecalledrun #baltimore #baltimorerunners #dogsofinstagram #instarunners #running #pitbull #ultrarunning

Race photos are in, and for the most part, they’re super ugly, but I’m also super proud. The multiple camera people at the finish captured me ugly crying when I realized about 50m out that I was going to BQ. Even with my watch tracking, it didn’t dawn on me until these moments that I would finish a marathon in under 3:30.
In my wildest dreams, I never could have imagined having a 20 minute PR in just 6 months. I’m thrilled I got to experience this with 7000 other women, including some of my run besties. Sharing this weekend and celebrating with yall was everything.
Also, BOOOOOO to the men who invaded this space created for women. Running the race is not an acceptable display of allyship. Cheering on the sideline would’ve been more meaningful and supportive.
6320, if you thought you were gonna catch me, LMFAOOOOOO FU😤
#bostonqualifier #marathoner #everywomansmarathon #runner #blackgirlsrun #blackmarathoners #runnersofinstagram #running #atribecalledrun #runnersrun #riotsquadrunning #baltimorerunners #instarunners #motivation #fitspo

#mood ☺️
Wow, I really spent my weekend qualifying for the Boston Marathon 🥹 Today is my most special #medalmonday
Qualifying for Boston was a pre-40 goal, so I gave myself 4 years to get faster, and then I did it in 6 months!!! None of this could have been possible without y’all!
• I had amazing (and very demanding) coaching from @runyourpersonalbest When I set this goal, my qualifying time was 3:35, and then it got bumped down to 3:30. When that happened, I told myself maybe I won’t qualify this year, but I’ll at least hit the 3:35 goal. But, Cory knows what he’s doing because my training helped me run fast enough and feel confident that I actually could!
• My fast friends who ran long, fast miles to pace me during this cycle- @tedsheppy @runteldat2 @cointeruns -those long runs would have been so far from successful without y’all.
• All the run crews that I ran with during this training cycle- @atribecalledrun @riotsquadrunning @pigtownbrewrunners @fasterbastards (I only ran with Faster Bastards once for my final long run, and in my last 10 miles of my marathon, I just imagined their energy and @naptown_runner talking to me so I would forget how fast we were running 😂)
• Pre race pep talks with @jllordi & @highdef82 . Me telling Henry I want to sub 3:40 and him telling me make it sub 3:30 🫠 And then calling me at mile 20 to tell me I’m gonna do it 🥹 And Jeff supplying my post race celebration 🍦🍪
• My incredible family in Savannah who chauffeured me and my friends around all weekend, cooked for me, and invited and drove all my friends to their house for a huge and delicious post-race meal. They created the best pre and post marathon experience for us.
• Everyone who logged into the app to virtually cheer for me. I heard all of your shoutouts, and they did so so much for me while I was on course.
• Seeing @missoutsideeeee multiple times on course and getting real time boricua energy from her!!
• My #GameChangers⚡️ crew, many of whom I got to meet in person this weekend. I’m so grateful for the community that @vcpmitchell created. Without her, I wouldn’t have met my running besties @mjournaeb & @daiisi and shared this experience with them 🫶🏽

The Speed Project Solo: DESSERT DOGS
Nope, that’s not a typo😉 Although I’ll be running through the desert, I wanted to make this a sweet time too, so why not make a team name that combines my love of ice cream and dogs 🐶
Speaking of sweet, I’m excited that I’ll be fundraising for my TSP Solo race with @taharkabros !
How this will work:
* Between November 22-November 29, you can order an 8 pint box of Taharka Brothers ice cream, and a portion of the proceeds will go towards my race.
* Pick up for your ice cream will be on December 2, 7:30p, at Never Miss A Monday (@rhousebaltimore )
8 pints, how will you eat all that ice cream?! First of all, if London can do it, so can you! But if you’re not up for the challenge, grab a friend or 2 to split the box up with because sharing is caring and why not help your girl out 🙌🏽
Can’t pick up at NMAM, but still want to support? DM me so I can hold your order until you’re ready (first come, first serve).
📸: the incredible @halfdanish
#dessertdogs #itwasbetternextyear #norules #nospectators #runnersofig #ATCR #riotsquadrunning #runnersrun #baltimorerunners #blackgirlsrun #ultrarunners #instarunners #ridc #asianrunners #running #runningcommunity #blackultrarunners #runningmotivation #womenrunners #baltimore #charmcity #charmcityrun #fullsend #togetheronsix #icecream #dogs #baltimoredogs #dogsofcharmcity #pitties #pitbull

@waternoxygen and I had the absolutely honor of coaching these folks to run @baltimorerunfest . Every single one of them crushed their races yesterday- we saw sooo many PRs and folks completing their very first marathons!!! I mostly coached marathoners, and man, 26.2 is a lot of miles. I’m so freakin proud of @beardedtoxicologist & @blk_phd for trusting me on their first marathons and for @okaycaroline for allowing my annoying voice to be in her head so she could get the 18 minute PR that I always knew she was capable of. Thank y’all so much for letting me be part of your journey. This was so very special 🥹
#runnersofig #ATCR #gamechangers⚡️ #runnersrun #baltimorerunners #instarunners #ridc #running #runningcommunity #runningmotivation #baltimore #charmcity #charmcityrun #baltimorerunningfestival

Now that I’ve announced that I’ll be running TSP Solo, it’s getting REAL!!! The journey will be long, and not only because I’m running over 300 miles. Over the next 6 months, I’ll have to rearrange my life — from increasing the amount of time I’m running, to fueling appropriately, making sure I have enough sneakers/running clothes through this cycle, resting, prioritizing my mental health through this whole process, and maybe even having a social life somewhere in there (a girl can dream, right?)
I’m super excited AND terrified at this experience, but I know how transformational it will be. And I know my community and support will be HUGE. People have already stepped up — including my friend @halfdanish who took this awesome shot of me! And many others have reached out to ask how they can help, where they can assist, and what I may need as part of this training. And, I think I have some ways people like YOU can contribute!
+Running Partners — especially through the cold winter months
+Donate to my TSP Solo campaign or contribute to my Amazon Wish List (linked in the bio)
+Gluten-free meals (I’m going to too tired to think, let alone cook)
+Networking, sharing posts like this, and helping share my story and journey with others
+Any other skills, contributions, or ideas that you have that could make this campaign even more successful!
I am so grateful for my tribe and the people in my corner that will continue to boost my spirits and help me push through these next 6 months. Thank you in advance for any help that you’re able to offer along the way! More updates to come — FULL SEND!
#dessertdogs #itwasbetternextyear #norules #nospectators #runnersofig #ATCR #riotsquadrunning #runnersrun #baltimorerunners #blackgirlsrun #ultrarunners #instarunners #ridc #asianrunners #running #runningcommunity #blackultrarunners #runningmotivation #womenrunners #baltimore #charmcity #charmcityrun #fullsend #togetheronsix

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be running @thespeedproject #LALV2025 SOLO!!! I’ll be covering all 340 miles on my own (with the help of an amazing support crew). I’ll be announcing the many many ways for you to be a part of this journey with me, but in the meantime, please SHARE and FOLLOW along💕
#itwasbetternextyear #norules #nospectators #runnersofig #ATCR #riotsquadrunning #runnersrun #baltimorerunners #blackgirlsrun #ultrarunners #instarunners #blackgirlsrun #runningmotivation #womenrunners #baltimore #charmcity #fedhill #camdenyards #baltimoreharbor

One thing about me- Imma be cold 🥶
But who knew dressing up as a windsock would bring me to normal temps AND be so fun! Congrats to all the #Chuck12 runners- I had so so much fun cheering, dancing, high fiving, and kissing babies this weekend 😂
📸: @halfdanish @waternoxygen @okaycaroline @kiraface @geekduh (all are great shots, but I want to super uplift Haldan for absolutely crushing his first @atribecalledrun volunteer cheer/photographer gig!!!)

August recap:
• Tubing for Vicky’s birthday
• Jess’ baby shower
• Usher
• Meeting baby David and spending time with Megan, Ryan, & Adalina
• Traveling to the Cape to run the @falmouthroadrace with @atribecalledrun and spending time with my sister @angelalynee
• Continuing the hardest mile with new friends
• Soul Salutations with @energy2radiance
• Baby time with Indigo
• Dog sitting Bud & Blue 😍
• Final run with Silicia 😢